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have you seen this silly guy?

uh oh ! this guy tried to make a carrd and struggled so hard - so they gave up and came here where it's nice and easy *sob*


this person is a menace to society. joking . but they are a silly little creature . they are a system. collectively you can use the name finley or call them webz or interwebz . use any prns for them collectively except he / she or they .


general dni criteria ; people who fakeclaim / call us a bot ; ppl who call us acoustic / say stuff like that ; police supporters ; pro-ana / ed ppl ; drm supporters . /srs


will wood ; args / lore ; music ; hermitcraft ; the traffic series ; cosplaying ; roleplaying ; silly things ; being silly / being a creature ; vocaloid

twitter !

discord !

ao3 !

before you leave!

use ttgs pls .

you are so loved and important . i know it might not seem like it, but you are genuinely incredible and a person worthy of life . i promise . if you're struggling , you can dm me anytime. 

i'm most active on discord , which is linked above . i promise i'll be able to reply to you , it just might not be fast. please stay alive . for me . love you , the INT3RW3BZ.C0LL /platonic

my schedule / when i'm not on ;

mon - fri during day ; pretty active
mon - tues night ; on
wed - thurs night ; not active
fri - sun ; every other wknd inactive